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Developer Mode Installation


Developer mode (dev mode) is intended to be used for local testing and development purposes.


  • The Kubernetes node must pass the host-check
  • If the Kubelet's RootDir is not /var/lib/kubelet, you must create a bind mount to /var/lib/kubelet as follows:
    KUBELET_ROOT_DIR="path to your kubelet root dir"
    echo "${KUBELET_ROOT_DIR} /var/lib/kubelet none bind 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
    mkdir -p /var/lib/kubelet && mount -a
  • Multus is installed across your cluster and a corresponding NetworkAttachmentDefinition CRD is created.
  • The Harvester Chart already contains the Kubevirt and Longhorn


For development purpose, Harvester can be installed on a Kubernetes cluster by using the Helm CLI.

Please refer to the Harvester Helm chart for more details on installing and configuring the Helm chart.

  1. Create the cattle-system namespace

    kubectl create ns cattle-system
  2. Add the rancher-latest helm repo

    helm repo add rancher-latest
  3. Install Rancher chart

    helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
    --namespace cattle-system \
    --set tls=external \
    --set rancherImagePullPolicy=IfNotPresent \
    --set rancherImage=rancher/rancher \
    --set rancherImageTag=v2.6.3-harvester1 \
    --set noDefaultAdmin=false \
    --set features="multi-cluster-management=false\,multi-cluster-management-agent=false" \
    --set useBundledSystemChart=true \
    --set bootstrapPassword=admin
  4. Change the 'status.provider' of the local cluster object to "harvester"

    kubectl edit local
  5. Clone the GitHub repository

    git clone --depth=1
  6. Go to the Helm chart

    cd harvester/deploy/charts
  7. Create the harvester-system namespace

    kubectl create ns harvester-system
  8. Install the Harvester crd chart

    helm install harvester-crd ./harvester-crd --namespace harvester-system
  9. Install the Harvester chart

    ## In order to use the service type LoadBalancer and create a vip in control-plane nodes, we need to enable kubevip.
    VIP_IP="replace with your vip ip, such as"
    VIP_NIC="replace with your vip interface name, such as eth0"
    helm install harvester ./harvester --namespace harvester-system \
    --set harvester-node-disk-manager.enabled=true \
    --set harvester-network-controller.enabled=true \
    --set harvester-load-balancer.enabled=true \
    --set kube-vip.enabled=true \
    --set kube-vip.config.vip_interface=${VIP_NIC} \
    --set kube-vip.config.vip_address=${VIP_IP} \
    --set \
    ## In some Kubernetes distributions (such as kubeadm), we need to modify the kube-vip nodeSelector to match the control-plane nodes.
    --set kube-vip.nodeSelector."node-role\.kubernetes\.io/master"=""
  10. Expose Harvester UI

    ## Refer to Add `cidr-cattle-system: ${VIP_IP}/32` to kubevip configMap.
    kubectl -n kube-system edit cm kubevip

    ## Change the rancher service type from ClusterIP to LoadBalancer, and then you can access Harvester UI via https://${VIP_IP}.
    kubectl -n cattle-system edit svc rancher

DigitalOcean Test Environment

You can create a test Kubernetes environment in Rancher using DigitalOcean as a cloud provider, which supports nested virtualization.

We recommend using a 8 core, 16 GB RAM droplet, which will have nested virtualization enabled by default.

This screenshot shows how to create a Rancher node template that would allow Rancher to provision such a node in DigitalOcean:


For more information on how to launch DigitalOcean nodes with Rancher, refer to the Rancher documentation.