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Version: v1.2

List Virtual Machine Backups For All Namespaces



Get a list of all VirtualMachineBackup objects.


Query Parameters

    continue string

    The continue option should be set when retrieving more results from the server. Since this value is server defined, clients may only use the continue value from a previous query result with identical query parameters (except for the value of continue) and the server may reject a continue value it does not recognize. If the specified continue value is no longer valid whether due to expiration (generally five to fifteen minutes) or a configuration change on the server the server will respond with a 410 ResourceExpired error indicating the client must restart their list without the continue field. This field is not supported when watch is true. Clients may start a watch from the last resourceVersion value returned by the server and not miss any modifications.

    fieldSelector string

    A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything.

    includeUninitialized boolean

    If true, partially initialized resources are included in the response.

    labelSelector string

    A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels. Defaults to everything

    limit integer

    limit is a maximum number of responses to return for a list call. If more items exist, the server will set the continue field on the list metadata to a value that can be used with the same initial query to retrieve the next set of results. Setting a limit may return fewer than the requested amount of items (up to zero items) in the event all requested objects are filtered out and clients should only use the presence of the continue field to determine whether more results are available. Servers may choose not to support the limit argument and will return all of the available results. If limit is specified and the continue field is empty, clients may assume that no more results are available. This field is not supported if watch is true.

    The server guarantees that the objects returned when using continue will be identical to issuing a single list call without a limit - that is, no objects created, modified, or deleted after the first request is issued will be included in any subsequent continued requests. This is sometimes referred to as a consistent snapshot, and ensures that a client that is using limit to receive smaller chunks of a very large result can ensure they see all possible objects. If objects are updated during a chunked list the version of the object that was present at the time the first list result was calculated is returned.

    resourceVersion string

    When specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource. Defaults to changes from the beginning of history.

    timeoutSeconds integer

    TimeoutSeconds for the list/watch call.

    watch boolean

    Watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications. Specify resourceVersion.



    apiVersion stringrequired
    items object[]required
  • Array [
  • apiVersion stringrequired
    kind stringrequired
    metadata object
    name stringrequired
    namespace string
    spec objectrequired
    source objectrequired
    apiGroup string
    kind stringrequired
    name stringrequired
    type string
    status object
    backupTarget object
    bucketName string
    bucketRegion string
    endpoint string
    conditions object[]
  • Array [
  • lastTransitionTime string
    lastUpdateTime string
    message string
    reason string
    status stringrequired
    type stringrequired
  • ]
  • creationTime string
    csiDriverVolumeSnapshotClassNames object
    property name* string
    error object
    message string
    time string
    readyToUse boolean
    secretBackups object[]
  • Array [
  • data object
    property name* byte
    name string
  • ]
  • source object
    metadata object
    name stringrequired
    namespace string
    spec object
    dataVolumeTemplates object[]
  • Array [
  • apiVersion stringrequired
    kind stringrequired
    metadata object
    name stringrequired
    namespace string
    spec objectrequired
    checkpoints object[]
  • Array [
  • current stringrequired
    previous stringrequired
  • ]
  • contentType string
    finalCheckpoint boolean
    preallocation boolean
    priorityClassName string
    pvc object
    accessModes string[]
    dataSource object
    apiGroup string
    kind stringrequired
    name stringrequired
    dataSourceRef object
    apiGroup string
    kind stringrequired
    name stringrequired
    resources object
    limits object
    property name* string

    Default value: [object Object]

    requests object
    property name* string

    Default value: [object Object]

    selector object
    matchExpressions object[]
  • Array [
  • key stringrequired
    operator stringrequired
    values string[]
  • ]
  • matchLabels object
    property name* string
    storageClassName string
    volumeMode string
    volumeName string
    source object
    blank object
    http object
    certConfigMap string
    extraHeaders string[]
    secretExtraHeaders string[]
    secretRef string
    url stringrequired
    imageio object
    certConfigMap string
    diskId stringrequired
    secretRef string
    url stringrequired
    pvc object
    name stringrequired
    namespace stringrequired
    registry object
    certConfigMap string
    imageStream string
    pullMethod string
    secretRef string
    url string
    s3 object
    certConfigMap string
    secretRef string
    url stringrequired
    upload object
    vddk object
    backingFile string
    initImageURL string
    secretRef string
    thumbprint string
    url string
    uuid string
    sourceRef object
    kind stringrequired
    name stringrequired
    namespace string
    storage object
    accessModes string[]
    dataSource object
    apiGroup string
    kind stringrequired
    name stringrequired
    resources object
    limits object
    property name* string

    Default value: [object Object]

    requests object
    property name* string

    Default value: [object Object]

    selector object
    matchExpressions object[]
  • Array [
  • key stringrequired
    operator stringrequired
    values string[]
  • ]
  • matchLabels object
    property name* string
    storageClassName string
    volumeMode string
    volumeName string
    status object
  • ]
  • flavor object
    kind string
    name stringrequired
    preference object
    kind string
    name stringrequired
    runStrategy string
    running boolean
    template objectrequired
    metadata object
    name stringrequired
    namespace string
    spec object
    accessCredentials object[]
  • Array [
  • sshPublicKey object
    propagationMethod objectrequired
    configDrive object
    qemuGuestAgent object
    users string[]required
    source objectrequired
    secret object
    secretName stringrequired
    userPassword object
    propagationMethod objectrequired
    qemuGuestAgent object
    source objectrequired
    secret object
    secretName stringrequired
  • ]
  • affinity object
    nodeAffinity object
    preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution object[]
  • Array [
  • preference objectrequired
    matchExpressions object[]
  • Array [
  • key stringrequired
    operator stringrequired

    Possible values: [DoesNotExist, Exists, Gt, In, Lt, NotIn]

    values string[]
  • ]
  • matchFields object[]
  • Array [
  • key stringrequired
    operator stringrequired

    Possible values: [DoesNotExist, Exists, Gt, In, Lt, NotIn]

    values string[]
  • ]
  • weight int32required

    Default value: 0

  • ]
  • requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution object
    nodeSelectorTerms object[]required
  • Array [
  • matchExpressions object[]
  • Array [
  • key stringrequired
    operator stringrequired

    Possible values: [DoesNotExist, Exists, Gt, In, Lt, NotIn]

    values string[]
  • ]
  • matchFields object[]
  • Array [
  • key stringrequired
    operator stringrequired

    Possible values: [DoesNotExist, Exists, Gt, In, Lt, NotIn]

    values string[]
  • ]
  • ]
  • podAffinity object
    preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution object[]
  • Array [
  • podAffinityTerm objectrequired
    labelSelector object
    matchExpressions object[]
  • Array [
  • key stringrequired
    operator stringrequired
    values string[]
  • ]
  • matchLabels object
    property name* string
    namespaceSelector object
    matchExpressions object[]
  • Array [
  • key stringrequired
    operator stringrequired
    values string[]
  • ]
  • matchLabels object
    property name* string
    namespaces string[]
    topologyKey stringrequired
    weight int32required

    Default value: 0

  • ]
  • requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution object[]
  • Array [
  • labelSelector object
    matchExpressions object[]
  • Array [
  • key stringrequired
    operator stringrequired
    values string[]
  • ]
  • matchLabels object
    property name* string
    namespaceSelector object
    matchExpressions object[]
  • Array [
  • key stringrequired
    operator stringrequired
    values string[]
  • ]
  • matchLabels object
    property name* string
    namespaces string[]
    topologyKey stringrequired
  • ]
  • podAntiAffinity object
    preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution object[]
  • Array [
  • podAffinityTerm objectrequired
    labelSelector object
    matchExpressions object[]
  • Array [
  • key stringrequired
    operator stringrequired
    values string[]
  • ]
  • matchLabels object
    property name* string
    namespaceSelector object
    matchExpressions object[]
  • Array [
  • key stringrequired
    operator stringrequired
    values string[]
  • ]
  • matchLabels object
    property name* string
    namespaces string[]
    topologyKey stringrequired
    weight int32required

    Default value: 0

  • ]
  • requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution object[]
  • Array [
  • labelSelector object
    matchExpressions object[]
  • Array [
  • key stringrequired
    operator stringrequired
    values string[]
  • ]
  • matchLabels object
    property name* string
    namespaceSelector object
    matchExpressions object[]
  • Array [
  • key stringrequired
    operator stringrequired
    values string[]
  • ]
  • matchLabels object
    property name* string
    namespaces string[]
    topologyKey stringrequired
  • ]
  • dnsConfig object
    nameservers string[]
    options object[]
  • Array [
  • name string
    value string
  • ]
  • searches string[]
    dnsPolicy string

    Possible values: [ClusterFirst, ClusterFirstWithHostNet, Default, None]

    domain objectrequired
    chassis object
    asset string
    manufacturer string
    serial string
    sku string
    version string
    clock object
    timer object
    hpet object
    present boolean
    tickPolicy string
    hyperv object
    present boolean
    kvm object
    present boolean
    pit object
    present boolean
    tickPolicy string
    rtc object
    present boolean
    tickPolicy string
    track string
    timezone string
    utc object
    offsetSeconds int32
    cpu object
    cores int64
    dedicatedCpuPlacement boolean
    features object[]
  • Array [
  • name stringrequired
    policy string
  • ]
  • isolateEmulatorThread boolean
    model string
    numa object
    guestMappingPassthrough object
    realtime object
    mask string
    sockets int64
    threads int64
    devices objectrequired
    autoattachGraphicsDevice boolean
    autoattachMemBalloon boolean
    autoattachPodInterface boolean
    autoattachSerialConsole boolean
    blockMultiQueue boolean
    clientPassthrough object
    disableHotplug boolean
    disks object[]
  • Array [
  • blockSize object
    custom object
    logical int32required

    Default value: 0

    physical int32required

    Default value: 0

    matchVolume object
    enabled boolean
    bootOrder int32
    cache string
    cdrom object
    bus string
    readonly boolean
    tray string
    dedicatedIOThread boolean
    disk object
    bus string
    pciAddress string
    readonly boolean
    io string
    lun object
    bus string
    readonly boolean
    name stringrequired
    serial string
    shareable boolean
    tag string
  • ]
  • filesystems object[]
  • Array [
  • name stringrequired
    virtiofs objectrequired
  • ]
  • gpus object[]
  • Array [
  • deviceName stringrequired
    name stringrequired
    tag string
    virtualGPUOptions object
    display object
    enabled boolean
    ramFB object
    enabled boolean
  • ]
  • hostDevices object[]
  • Array [
  • deviceName stringrequired
    name stringrequired
    tag string
  • ]
  • inputs object[]
  • Array [
  • bus string
    name stringrequired
    type stringrequired
  • ]
  • interfaces object[]
  • Array [
  • bootOrder int32
    bridge object
    dhcpOptions object
    bootFileName string
    ntpServers string[]
    privateOptions object[]
  • Array [
  • option int32required

    Default value: 0

    value stringrequired
  • ]
  • tftpServerName string
    macAddress string
    macvtap object
    masquerade object
    model string
    name stringrequired
    pciAddress string
    ports object[]
  • Array [
  • name string
    port int32required

    Default value: 0

    protocol string
  • ]
  • slirp object
    sriov object
    tag string
  • ]
  • networkInterfaceMultiqueue boolean
    rng object
    sound object
    model string
    name stringrequired
    tpm object
    useVirtioTransitional boolean
    watchdog object
    i6300esb object
    action string
    name stringrequired
    features object
    acpi object
    enabled boolean
    apic object
    enabled boolean
    endOfInterrupt boolean
    hyperv object
    evmcs object
    enabled boolean
    frequencies object
    enabled boolean
    ipi object
    enabled boolean
    reenlightenment object
    enabled boolean
    relaxed object
    enabled boolean
    reset object
    enabled boolean
    runtime object
    enabled boolean
    spinlocks object
    enabled boolean
    spinlocks int64
    synic object
    enabled boolean
    synictimer object
    direct object
    enabled boolean
    enabled boolean
    tlbflush object
    enabled boolean
    vapic object
    enabled boolean
    vendorid object
    enabled boolean
    vendorid string
    vpindex object
    enabled boolean
    kvm object
    hidden boolean
    pvspinlock object
    enabled boolean
    smm object
    enabled boolean
    firmware object
    bootloader object
    bios object
    useSerial boolean
    efi object
    secureBoot boolean
    kernelBoot object
    container object
    image stringrequired
    imagePullPolicy string

    Possible values: [Always, IfNotPresent, Never]

    imagePullSecret string
    initrdPath string
    kernelPath string
    kernelArgs string
    serial string
    uuid string
    ioThreadsPolicy string
    launchSecurity object
    sev object
    machine object
    type string
    memory object
    guest string
    hugepages object
    pageSize string
    resources object
    limits object
    property name* string

    Default value: [object Object]

    overcommitGuestOverhead boolean
    requests object
    property name* string

    Default value: [object Object]

    evictionStrategy string
    hostname string
    livenessProbe object
    exec object
    command string[]
    failureThreshold int32
    guestAgentPing object
    httpGet object
    host string
    httpHeaders object[]
  • Array [
  • name stringrequired
    value stringrequired
  • ]
  • path string
    port int-or-stringrequired

    Default value: [object Object]

    scheme string

    Possible values: [HTTP, HTTPS]

    initialDelaySeconds int32
    periodSeconds int32
    successThreshold int32
    tcpSocket object
    host string
    port int-or-stringrequired

    Default value: [object Object]

    timeoutSeconds int32
    networks object[]
  • Array [
  • multus object
    default boolean
    networkName stringrequired
    name stringrequired
    pod object
    vmIPv6NetworkCIDR string
    vmNetworkCIDR string
  • ]
  • nodeSelector object
    property name* string
    priorityClassName string
    readinessProbe object
    exec object
    command string[]
    failureThreshold int32
    guestAgentPing object
    httpGet object
    host string
    httpHeaders object[]
  • Array [
  • name stringrequired
    value stringrequired
  • ]
  • path string
    port int-or-stringrequired

    Default value: [object Object]

    scheme string

    Possible values: [HTTP, HTTPS]

    initialDelaySeconds int32
    periodSeconds int32
    successThreshold int32
    tcpSocket object
    host string
    port int-or-stringrequired

    Default value: [object Object]

    timeoutSeconds int32
    schedulerName string
    startStrategy string
    subdomain string
    terminationGracePeriodSeconds int64
    tolerations object[]
  • Array [
  • effect string

    Possible values: [NoExecute, NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule]

    key string
    operator string

    Possible values: [Equal, Exists]

    tolerationSeconds int64
    value string
  • ]
  • volumes object[]
  • Array [
  • cloudInitConfigDrive object
    networkData string
    networkDataBase64 string
    networkDataSecretRef object
    name string
    secretRef object
    name string
    userData string
    userDataBase64 string
    cloudInitNoCloud object
    networkData string
    networkDataBase64 string
    networkDataSecretRef object
    name string
    secretRef object
    name string
    userData string
    userDataBase64 string
    configMap object
    name string
    optional boolean
    volumeLabel string
    containerDisk object
    image stringrequired
    imagePullPolicy string

    Possible values: [Always, IfNotPresent, Never]

    imagePullSecret string
    path string
    dataVolume object
    hotpluggable boolean
    name stringrequired
    downwardAPI object
    fields object[]
  • Array [
  • fieldRef object
    apiVersion string
    fieldPath stringrequired
    mode int32
    path stringrequired
    resourceFieldRef object
    containerName string
    divisor string

    Default value: [object Object]

    resource stringrequired
  • ]
  • volumeLabel string
    downwardMetrics object
    emptyDisk object
    capacity stringrequired

    Default value: [object Object]

    ephemeral object
    persistentVolumeClaim object
    claimName stringrequired
    readOnly boolean
    hostDisk object
    capacity string

    Default value: [object Object]

    path stringrequired
    shared boolean
    type stringrequired
    memoryDump object
    claimName stringrequired
    hotpluggable boolean
    readOnly boolean
    name stringrequired
    persistentVolumeClaim object
    claimName stringrequired
    hotpluggable boolean
    readOnly boolean
    secret object
    optional boolean
    secretName string
    volumeLabel string
    serviceAccount object
    serviceAccountName string
    sysprep object
    configMap object
    name string
    secret object
    name string
  • ]
  • sourceUID string
    volumeBackups object[]
  • Array [
  • creationTime string
    csiDriverName stringrequired
    error object
    message string
    time string
    longhornBackupName string
    name string
    persistentVolumeClaim objectrequired
    metadata object
    name stringrequired
    namespace string
    spec object
    accessModes string[]
    dataSource object
    apiGroup string
    kind stringrequired
    name stringrequired
    dataSourceRef object
    apiGroup string
    kind stringrequired
    name stringrequired
    resources object
    limits object
    property name* string

    Default value: [object Object]

    requests object
    property name* string

    Default value: [object Object]

    selector object
    matchExpressions object[]
  • Array [
  • key stringrequired
    operator stringrequired
    values string[]
  • ]
  • matchLabels object
    property name* string
    storageClassName string
    volumeMode string
    volumeName string
    readyToUse boolean
    volumeName stringrequired
  • ]
  • ]
  • kind stringrequired
    metadata objectrequired
    continue string
    remainingItemCount int64
    resourceVersion string
    selfLink string