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Version: v0.3 (EOL)

Creating an RKE1 Kubernetes Cluster

Users can now provision RKE1 Kubernetes clusters on top of the Harvester cluster in Rancher v2.6.1+ using the built-in Harvester node driver.


  • Harvester RKE1 node driver is in tech preview.
  • VLAN network is required for Harvester node driver.

Create Your Cloud Credentials

  1. Click ☰ > Cluster Management.
  2. Click Cloud Credentials.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Click Harvester.
  5. Enter your cloud credential name.
  6. Select "Imported Harvester" or "External Harvester".
  7. Click Create.


Create Node Template

You can use the Harvester node driver to create node templates and eventually node pools for your Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Configure the Cloud Credentials.
  2. Configure Instance Options:
    • Configure the CPU, memory, and disk
    • Select an OS image that is compatible with the cloud-init config.
    • Select a network that the node driver is able to connect to; currently, only VLAN is supported.
    • Enter the SSH User; the username will be used to ssh to nodes. For example, a default user of the Ubuntu cloud image will be ubuntu.
  3. Enter a RANCHER TEMPLATE name.

See nodes hosted by an infrastructure provider for more information.

Create RKE1 Kubernetes Cluster

Users can create an RKE1 Kubernetes cluster from the Cluster Management page via the Harvester RKE1 node driver.

  1. Select Clusters menu.
  2. Click Create button.
  3. Toggle Switch to RKE1.
  4. Select Harvester node driver.
  5. Enter Cluster Name (required).
  6. Enter Name Prefix (required).
  7. Enter Template (required).
  8. Select etcd and Control Plane (required).
  9. Click Create.
