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Version: v1.2

Read an Upgrade



Get a Upgrade object.


Path Parameters

    name stringrequired

    Name of the resource

    namespace stringrequired

    Object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects

Query Parameters

    exact boolean

    Should the export be exact. Exact export maintains cluster-specific fields like 'Namespace'.

    export boolean

    Should this value be exported. Export strips fields that a user can not specify.



    apiVersion stringrequired
    kind stringrequired
    metadata object
    name stringrequired
    namespace string
    spec objectrequired
    image string
    logEnabled boolean
    version string
    status object
    conditions object[]
  • Array [
  • lastTransitionTime string
    lastUpdateTime string
    message string
    reason string
    status stringrequired
    type stringrequired
  • ]
  • imageID string
    nodeStatuses object
    property name* object
    message string
    reason string
    state string
    previousVersion string
    repoInfo string
    singleNode string
    upgradeLog string