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Version: v1.4 (latest)

Read a Namespaced Upgrade



Get a Upgrade object.


Path Parameters

    name stringrequired

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression [a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*

    Name of the resource

    namespace stringrequired

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression [a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*

    Object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects

Query Parameters

    exact boolean

    Should the export be exact. Exact export maintains cluster-specific fields like 'Namespace'.

    export boolean

    Should this value be exported. Export strips fields that a user can not specify.



    apiVersion stringrequired
    kind stringrequired
    metadata object
    name stringrequired
    namespace string
    spec objectrequired
    image string
    logEnabled boolean
    version string
    status object
    conditions object[]
  • Array [
  • lastTransitionTime string
    lastUpdateTime string
    message string
    reason string
    status stringrequired
    type stringrequired
  • ]
  • imageID string
    nodeStatuses object
    property name*
    message string
    reason string
    state string
    previousVersion string
    repoInfo string
    singleNode string
    upgradeLog string