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Version: v1.4 (latest)

Upgrade from v1.4.1 to v1.4.2

General information

An Upgrade button appears on the Dashboard screen whenever a new Harvester version that you can upgrade to becomes available. For more information, see Start an upgrade.

For air-gapped environments, see Prepare an air-gapped upgrade.

Update Harvester UI Extension on Rancher v2.10.1

To import Harvester v1.4.2 clusters on Rancher v2.10.1, you must use v1.0.3 of the Rancher UI extension for Harvester.

  1. On the Rancher UI, go to local > Apps > Repositories.

  2. Locate the repository named harvester, and then select ⋮ > Refresh. This repository has the following properties:

  3. Go to the Extensions screen.

  4. Locate the extension named Harvester, and then click Update.

  5. Select version 1.0.3, and then click Update.

  6. Allow some time for the extension to be updated, and then refresh the screen.


The Rancher UI displays an error message after the extension is updated. The error message disappears when you refresh the screen. This issue, which exists in Rancher v2.10.0 and v2.10.1, will be fixed in v2.10.2.

Related issues:

Known issues

1. Upgrade is stuck in the "Pre-drained" state

The upgrade process may become stuck in the "Pre-drained" state. Kubernetes is supposed to drain the workload on the node, but some factors may cause the process to stall.

A possible cause is processes related to orphan engines of the Longhorn Instance Manager. To determine if this applies to your situation, perform the following steps:

  1. Check the name of the instance-manager pod on the stuck node.


    The stuck node is harvester-node-1, and the name of the Instance Manager pod is instance-manager-d80e13f520e7b952f4b7593fc1883e2a.

    $ kubectl get pods -n longhorn-system --field-selector spec.nodeName=harvester-node-1 | grep instance-manager
    instance-manager-d80e13f520e7b952f4b7593fc1883e2a 1/1 Running 0 3d8h
  2. Check the Longhorn Manager logs for informational messages.


    $ kubectl -n longhorn-system logs daemonsets/longhorn-manager
    time="2025-01-14T00:00:01Z" level=info msg="Node instance-manager-d80e13f520e7b952f4b7593fc1883e2a is marked unschedulable but removing harvester-node-1 PDB is blocked: some volumes are still attached InstanceEngines count 1 pvc-9ae0e9a5-a630-4f0c-98cc-b14893c74f9e-e-0" func="controller.(*InstanceManagerController).syncInstanceManagerPDB" file="instance_manager_controller.go:823" controller=longhorn-instance-manager node=harvester-node-1

    The instance-manager pod cannot be drained because of the engine pvc-9ae0e9a5-a630-4f0c-98cc-b14893c74f9e-e-0.

  3. Check if the engine is still running on the stuck node.


    $ kubectl -n longhorn-system get pvc-9ae0e9a5-a630-4f0c-98cc-b14893c74f9e-e-0 -o jsonpath='{"Current state: "}{.status.currentState}{"\nNode ID: "}{.spec.nodeID}{"\n"}'
    Current state: stopped
    Node ID:

    The issue likely exists if the output shows that the engine is not running or even the engine is not found.

  4. Check if all volumes are healthy.

    kubectl get volumes -n longhorn-system -o yaml | yq '.items[] | select(.status.state == "attached")| .status.robustness'

    All volumes must be marked healthy. If this is not the case, please help to report the issue.

  5. Remove the instance-manager pod's PodDisruptionBudget (PDB) .


    kubectl delete pdb instance-manager-d80e13f520e7b952f4b7593fc1883e2a -n longhorn-system

Related issues: