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Version: v1.4 (dev)

Rancher Terraform

The Rancher Terraform Provider allows administrators to create and manage RKE2 guest clusters using Terraform.



  • The Kubernetes cluster is built on top of Harvester VMs.
  • The Harvester VMs that run as guest Kubernetes nodes are in the same namespace.

Deploy Guest Clusters Using the Rancher Terraform Provider

  1. Create an API key.

    On the Rancher UI, go to Account & API Keys > Create API key > Create.

    Create API Key Access & Secret Keys

  2. Obtain the Harvester cluster ID.

    On the Rancher UI, go to Virtualization Management > Manage > Related Resources > Mgmt Cluster Name.

    Harvester Cluster ID

  3. Obtain the kubeconfig for the Harvester Cloud Provider and the Harvester CSI Driver.

    On the Rancher UI, go to Virtualization Management. Locate the target Harvester cluster in the list and then select > Download KubeConfig.

    Download Kubeconfig

  4. Prepare a file with the following content:

    terraform {
    required_providers {
    rancher2 = {
    source = "rancher/rancher2"
    version = "4.2.0"

    # Configure the Rancher2 provider to admin
    provider "rancher2" {
    api_url = "<api_url>" # API Endpoint on Account & API Keys page
    access_key = "<access_key>"
    secret_key = "<secret_key>"
    insecure = true # Set to true if the Rancher server uses a self-signed certificate
  5. Prepare a file with the following content:

    # Get imported harvester cluster info
    data "rancher2_cluster_v2" "harv" {
    name = "<harvester_cluster_name_in_rancher>"

    # Create a new Cloud Credential for an imported Harvester cluster
    resource "rancher2_cloud_credential" "harv-cred" {
    name = "harv-cred"
    harvester_credential_config {
    cluster_id = data.rancher2_cluster_v2.harv.cluster_v1_id
    cluster_type = "imported"
    kubeconfig_content = data.rancher2_cluster_v2.harv.kube_config

    # Create a new rancher2 machine config v2 using harvester node_driver
    resource "rancher2_machine_config_v2" "rke2-machine" {
    generate_name = "rke2-machine"
    harvester_config {
    vm_namespace = "default"
    cpu_count = "2"
    memory_size = "4"
    disk_info = <<EOF
    "disks": [{
    "imageName": "default/<vmimage-name>",
    "size": 15,
    "bootOrder": 1
    network_info = <<EOF
    "interfaces": [{
    "networkName": "default/<network-name>"
    ssh_user = "<ssh_user>"
    user_data = <<EOF
    package_update: true
    - qemu-guest-agent
    - iptables
    - - systemctl
    - enable
    - '--now'
    - qemu-guest-agent.service

    resource "rancher2_cluster_v2" "rke2-demo" {
    name = "rke2-demo"
    kubernetes_version = "v1.28.10+rke2r1"
    rke_config {
    machine_pools {
    name = "pool1"
    cloud_credential_secret_name =
    control_plane_role = true
    etcd_role = true
    worker_role = true
    quantity = 1
    machine_config {
    kind = rancher2_machine_config_v2.rke2-machine.kind
    name =

    machine_selector_config {
    config = yamlencode({
    cloud-provider-config = file("${path.module}/rke2-demo-kubeconfig")
    cloud-provider-name = "harvester"

    machine_global_config = <<EOF
    cni: "calico"
    disable-kube-proxy: false
    etcd-expose-metrics: false

    upgrade_strategy {
    control_plane_concurrency = "1"
    worker_concurrency = "1"

    etcd {
    snapshot_schedule_cron = "0 */5 * * *"
    snapshot_retention = 5

    chart_values = <<EOF
    clusterName: rke2-demo
    cloudConfigPath: /var/lib/rancher/rke2/etc/config-files/cloud-provider-config
  6. Run terraform init.

  7. Run terraform apply.